We are all made of what we have lived through, and life has never promised to be easy. We carry so much within. Each year when we spring clean our houses, if we had a device that would spring clean our hurts and wounds within, we would have known, what the stories we carry within are.
Emotions are like magnets, they invite similar emotions from outside. If you look within, this is everyone's story.
We don't let go, because we need to validate the story of being a victim and all the wrong doings done to us, this slowly starts to become our story and the identity.
New year is a time to look within, reflect and ponder.
what is that you are holding back, or may be what is that is making you unhappy in life. The answer is always forgiveness. Forgiveness is the wall that separates where you are and where you want to be.
Letting go of your past hurt is your road to the life you deserve and desire. When we don’t let go, our hearts and mind remain cluttered. We desire that our past should have been different. But, the past cannot be undone.
This new year let go off past hurts, guilts and toxic emotions.
Give yourself the best of emotions, thoughts and purpose.
Live, Love Laugh.
Nandini ❤️
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