
Friday, November 26, 2021


Motherhood is a blissful state, and the joys that come with it are unparalleled. But what happens when a mother starts feeling that her worth in her child’s life has diminished?

It is very natural for mothers with grown-up children to sometimes feel ignored or unwanted. This is especially true if it’s your heart that rules your head most of the time.

You are definitely one of the toppers in the list of emotional moms if you have cried on your child’s first day of school. A thought might sink in that since he or she is independent now, you are not needed any more. There is a kind of loneliness that pervades the home once you are an empty nester. So is there some way to get out of this not-so-good feeling?

All along, you had been a mother taking care of your children. Hustling around to make things perfect, you may not have had the time to breathe. Well, reinvent yourself and start making more “me time”. Brainstorm the list of things that make you happy. Take extra care of your health, which you may have neglected all this time. Pay attention to your personal grooming because it radiates a sense of self esteem and confidence.

I have personally known moms who, while investing time with their children, have stopped socializing with others. They claim that they have no time. Do not ever make that mistake. One cannot be that busy to cut ties with their friends.

Your friends are the family you choose.

As cliche as it sounds, age is just a number. It’s never too late to learn something. Give life to the dreams that you may have lost somewhere without knowing. Indulge in activities you love. Everyone has the potential to do something amazing; it’s just that the talent sometimes remains hidden and unexplored.

It’s a challenge to raise children, and parenting does not have a foolproof formula. What works for one mother, may not work for another. Everyone's journey is different. 

You may have given the best years of your life to make your children successful and independent. That is fine, but always remember that you have an identity besides being a mother. Yes, you need to accommodate quite a bit, but do not sacrifice your wishes to that point that you are always being taken for granted. That will later make you question if being a mother is a thankless job!

Do not have too many expectations. You have done your part in raising your child. Just end it there, and do not hope for anything in return. Your joys will double when the love and concern come in without expecting much.

Happiness is a state of mind that we can create for ourselves. So let’s focus on the positives and make this a wonderful journey for ourselves and fellow mothers. 

Nandini Mithun 

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