When we realise from the bottom of our heart that we need to change our path, the universe sends us a guide, a Guru to delve within. He / She teaches us to meditate and introspect, to turn within and embark on the journey to self-realisation.
Once you embark on this journey, with greater depths, as you travel deeper and deeper, you realise that God lies within you — there is no difference between you and God — you merge with universal consciousness.
As you do this, you learn to pray for the benefit of all, not just selfish prayers— these prayers are actually heard and start working as you become an empty pipe for the flow of universal consciousness. This is when your whole life becomes like a prayer for the benefit of all and not just for yourself.
Most of us think of a higher power when we are in trouble, exams coming, job interview round the corner, serious sickness, family problems and so on and so forth. Something within us tells us to pray, even though we do not know how — but a silent appeal goes from within, it goes in anguish and someone up there hears the pain, the universe feels the vibrations and a solution comes to you. These are signals for you to change your direction. But the moment the problems is solved you are back to your good old ways. This problem–prayer cycle goes on and on till you ultimately realise that you have to submit to a higher power to lead a peaceful and happy life.
What is that higher power, is it outside of you or within yourself?
Nandini Mithun