
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

When we realize

  When we realise from the bottom of our heart that we need to change our path, the universe sends us a guide, a Guru to delve within. He / She teaches us to meditate and introspect, to turn within and embark on the journey to self-realisation.

 Once you embark on this journey, with greater depths, as you travel deeper and deeper, you realise that God lies within you — there is no difference between you and God — you merge with universal consciousness. 

As you do this, you learn to pray for the benefit of all, not just selfish prayers— these prayers are actually heard and start working as you become an empty pipe for the flow of universal consciousness. This is when your whole life becomes like a prayer for the benefit of all and not just for yourself. 

Most of us think of a higher power when we are in trouble, exams coming, job interview round the corner, serious sickness, family problems and so on and so forth. Something within us tells us to pray, even though we do not know how — but a silent appeal goes from within, it goes in anguish and someone up there hears the pain, the universe feels the vibrations and a solution comes to you. These are signals for you to change your direction. But the moment the problems is solved you are back to your good old ways. This problem–prayer cycle goes on and on till you ultimately realise that you have to submit to a higher power to lead a peaceful and happy life.

What is that higher power, is it outside of you or within yourself?

Nandini Mithun 

My Best Friend

 It is said that books can be your best friends and your window to the outer world.

It is a friend with whom you can talk day after day. I will honestly say this friend has been with me for many years and wont leave my side until my last breath. 

I still remember my dad buying lot of books and magazines, it is those colorful pages and pictures which drew me towards reading. I used to insist my dad to read and he in turn used to reply, you need to read to understand and analyze things.

I was also fortunate to find a life partner who shared my love for books; we bonded over them and still do(Till day we havent read the same genre that topic is for another day. ) His first book gift to me was Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead, a book which i have fallen in love with  many times and in many ways. 

I see my 8 year old engrossed in reading and at times lost in the world of words, and my 4 year old amazed at her board books and the pictures. To me, this is a good start.


When I was growing up I was taught that books are the most prized possession one can own materialistically, far more important than any jewellery or estate. For books have words that have the power to make one visualize, dream, and change, not just us but the world as well. As a parent, I will get the greatest satisfaction when my children also realize this.

Reading is like travelling the world and often beyond – without a suitcase and a passport. And the sooner this journey begins, the better it is. Like everything else, reading requires passion and dedication. 

Nandini Mithun 

Friday, November 26, 2021


Motherhood is a blissful state, and the joys that come with it are unparalleled. But what happens when a mother starts feeling that her worth in her child’s life has diminished?

It is very natural for mothers with grown-up children to sometimes feel ignored or unwanted. This is especially true if it’s your heart that rules your head most of the time.

You are definitely one of the toppers in the list of emotional moms if you have cried on your child’s first day of school. A thought might sink in that since he or she is independent now, you are not needed any more. There is a kind of loneliness that pervades the home once you are an empty nester. So is there some way to get out of this not-so-good feeling?

All along, you had been a mother taking care of your children. Hustling around to make things perfect, you may not have had the time to breathe. Well, reinvent yourself and start making more “me time”. Brainstorm the list of things that make you happy. Take extra care of your health, which you may have neglected all this time. Pay attention to your personal grooming because it radiates a sense of self esteem and confidence.

I have personally known moms who, while investing time with their children, have stopped socializing with others. They claim that they have no time. Do not ever make that mistake. One cannot be that busy to cut ties with their friends.

Your friends are the family you choose.

As cliche as it sounds, age is just a number. It’s never too late to learn something. Give life to the dreams that you may have lost somewhere without knowing. Indulge in activities you love. Everyone has the potential to do something amazing; it’s just that the talent sometimes remains hidden and unexplored.

It’s a challenge to raise children, and parenting does not have a foolproof formula. What works for one mother, may not work for another. Everyone's journey is different. 

You may have given the best years of your life to make your children successful and independent. That is fine, but always remember that you have an identity besides being a mother. Yes, you need to accommodate quite a bit, but do not sacrifice your wishes to that point that you are always being taken for granted. That will later make you question if being a mother is a thankless job!

Do not have too many expectations. You have done your part in raising your child. Just end it there, and do not hope for anything in return. Your joys will double when the love and concern come in without expecting much.

Happiness is a state of mind that we can create for ourselves. So let’s focus on the positives and make this a wonderful journey for ourselves and fellow mothers. 

Nandini Mithun 

Nature Walk

 Natural environments have a tremendous impact on our emotions and improve our well-being. Nature is restorative, calming and it makes us peaceful from within. 

Living in the city we are continuously surrounded by blaring screens, traffic horns and noise.

Let us imagine a walk in the early winter morning, with ourselves.

The road is resplendent with tall trees on both sides. It is one of those days when time is not measured by the clock but by the fragrant coolness that enters lazily through your nostrils and leaves pools of contentment in its wake. The morning is arrested at the delightful moment which falls between the hush of dawn and the waking up din of a young city. There are people around, but they seem wrapped in dreams which are yet to wake up

There is the neon green of young grass, and the deep green of mature grass. Dew shimmers in hazy blue shadows on the trembling slender stalks. Someone has walked across the field leaving dew-less footprints of dulled green on a sea of glitter. There is the vivid green of ferns growing

It is in silence that one can really reconnect with some of the most important thoughts and feelings that have lost their voice in the humdrum of the city. Silence is an important ingredient for a healthy life and becoming increasingly rare to find. Silence also lets us introspect and come back renewed and refreshed. 

Walking in the nature is what comes naturally to the people living a fulfilling life in any corner of the world. Maybe it is time we start to walk and experience the vastness and serenity of the nature and become a part of it. 

Nandini Mithun 

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Children's Day

 The best part of any body’s life is their childhood. It is a universally accepted fact.

Given a choice, I think all of us would want to go back, relive our childhood, repeat everything we loved doing, do what we missed out, enjoy every moment.

The thought of it so refreshing and relaxing.

My WhatsApp has been flooding with messages for Children’s day saying that we should keep the child in us alive, i do agree with this however i feel it is important to keep the innocence and the curiosity of a child alive in us.

It would be nice if the schools would do the teaching at school and don’t burden them with loads of homework.

It would be nice if we as parents don’t burden them with  as many classes as we can fit in, because neighbor's son or daughter joined the class. 

It would be nice if we could leave them to learn at their own pace instead of making them walking and talking encyclopedias.

It would be wonderful if they were not reminded of our struggles as children and how they have it easy. Our times were different and our parents time were more different. Lets not compare and confuse. 

Look around, look at the children and we will all agree that while we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. We all are in rush, lets pause, breathe and learn to unlearn. 

Let the children be and let us help them be. 

Nandini Mithun