
Sunday, July 11, 2021



I have a been a mother from past eight years and trust me it has been magical, mystical and a learning phase for me.

Motherhood is yesterday’s clothing, messy hair and 2 min showers.

Motherhood is yoga pants, v-neck tees and tiny soiled hand prints all over.

Motherhood is a sink full of dishes and a house full of laughter.

Motherhood is realizing laundry is like weed – never stops growing and is frigging everywhere.

Motherhood is 3AM wake ups and 11PM bedtimes.

Motherhood is loving a coffee reheated atleast 10 times.

Motherhood is reading “The goldilocks and the three bears” repeatedly for an hour without ever reaching the end and with every time the same enthusiasm. 

Motherhood is surviving on baby-food left overs and stolen scoops of ice-cream tubs.

Motherhood is cooking, cleaning, feeding, washing, tidying and answering the phone/door. All at the same time.

Motherhood is discovering a hidden Lego in the boots AFTER putting them on and taking a careless step. Ouch!

Motherhood is hiding behind a closet door to munch on a chocolate, and pretending how disgusting it tastes when caught red-handed.

Motherhood is the art of tidying the same place a 100 times a day and still failing.

Motherhood is a messy house, unmade beds and happy hearts.

Motherhood is bruised knees and magical kisses.

Motherhood is promising one is enough..then having two more – Cookies, chocolate, glass of wine, KIDS.

Motherhood is the fear of silence when in the bathroom.

Motherhood is when a trip to the bathroom becomes your me-time.

Motherhood is going from ‘Yuck!’ to ‘Here, wipe it on my pant'

Motherhood is being on-call 24/7 – no pay and no day-offs

.Motherhood is having the whole world in your arms when those little arms hold you tight.

Motherhood is exhausting and refreshing.

Motherhood is the hardest and the happiest. 

Motherhood is loving so much…it hurts.

Motherhood is being loved so much…it hurts.

Motherhood heals.

Motherhood is changing not a thing and doing it all over again… Happily

Nandini Mithun