
Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Skin Color

 Last week i was out with my family and was casually checking out the earrings and there came a lady with a bottle in her hand, and she told ' ma'am you should use this lotion to look fair, and young.

I however smiled and refused the offer. Why should i look fair, why cant i look brown, tan, black, red or any other color??

Whats with being young always, well i am a mere mortal who is born and will age and die one day.

Colour discrimination has been a large part of society for far too long.  Embedded deep in our culture, it is not only disguised in our daily interactions but also etched into our subconscious. 

There is a huge demand for fairness products, these brands fill these gaps. It gives people the choice to make their skin look the way they want.

Yes, one shouldn’t be denied the right to their choice of skin colour. However, it is important to understand where the ‘need’ comes from? Is it rooted in the social belief ‘fair is beautiful?’

When a brand provides something that the consumer wants, desires, or needs, consumers emotionally connect with brands. This emotional bond makes people believe the narrative that a brand creates. Thus, it is important for brands to be responsible about the message it propagates. 

This gives rise to another very important question, as a society should we only rely on a brand to change or influence our perspective? What about social reforms? Bias towards skin complexion starts at home, school and later society.

What do Indian beauty cream ads portray?

For men: having difficulty finding girls? get fair and you will get girls. 

For women: having difficulty With respect to man/career/writing/commentary/radio /cooking/ Kids/ and lets dig at every other insecurity you face—> get fair and you will succeed. 

Always remember: a person who judges you by your appearance, their whole education and so called modernity is a waste. An educated and moreover a good person would never judge anyone on the basis of external cues. The problem is with THEM and not your colour. 

Your skin color doesn't represent your success. 

Nandini Mithun 

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