I still vividly remember my English teacher Mrs Chopde, who is now no more,way back in my eight grade.... Tall, fiar, neatly worn hair and a voice that made heads turn towards her. Like most teachers she had a favourite statement... 'Dont assume things I didi not mention'
Assume almost implies making an ass of you and me! ASS.U. ME Get it? At that moment it seemed funny and really nothing but just another remark from a teaher who was furious at her students. But today as I look back and think about this, it makes way more sense than i thought.
Now as it seems to emerge from my mind, it comes generoulsy coated with all the ambiguity life has to offer. All that is certain, enveloped with all that is uncertain and intangible...It may sound puzzling at first to know th way lif leadfs us theough its monotonous ways but yet gets to milestones that we seek. On the way we encounter so much that makes what we can call 'LIFE'.
One very nice quote i remember at this point in time is, 'Life is what happens to you when you busy making other plans', So true...... Youassume so many things and make plans but life takes you in an entirely different directions.
The reason this thought came to me was due to a simple incident that occured few years back...... I had just passed out of my 10th grade and had lost my most importnat documents, both my marks sheet and my transfer certificate.
None to my support and help since it was an outright act of my irresponsibility ir carelessness you would say.
It took one month for me to get an admission in a college, and that was ofcourse without given an attendance for me, since I had not submitted my documents till then.
Most of the time, how comfortable we assume that nothing vould ever go wrong with us.
We all do this many time. Infact, almost all the times with our near and dear ones. We assume that nothing can happen,But when it does, it takes us by a shock and surprise.
A neighbor happens to be a part of a car crash, we assume it could never be us
A stranger misses his flight, oh that could never be us.
Terror strikes a country, oh not us NO WAY !!
We forget to count our blessings, forget to give credit to everyone in our lives, and to thank god for what is on our hands. We assume, its all normal and cant change.
We assume way too many things for our own good.
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